Saturday, June 30, 2012

Best 4th of July Apple Pie

4th  of July Apple Pies!

The 4th of July is just around the corner! What does that mean? That means, sparklers, chips n' dip, friends and family, and of course APPLE PIE! 
Apple pie is one of the most important American desserts. It's perfectly tender apples drenched in a sweet cinnamon and butter glaze all wrapped perfectly in a flakey crust are a symbol of American pride. 

Now everyone has their own secret recipe for apple pie but today I'm going to share mine with you. 

For the Pie Crust

2 1/2 cups -- Flour
1 1/4  tsp -- Salt
1 TB, heaped -- Sugar
1 cup -- Unsalted Butter (2 sticks)
1/4 cup Milk
1/4 cup Buttermilk


Bench Scrapper
Rolling Pin


Sift together the flour, salt and sugar. Set aside.
Begin with very cold butter, right out of the frige is best. Cube the butter into medium size pieces. Toss the butter in the flour. When all the pieces have been coated in flour, gently turn ingredients on to a clean, dry work surface.  Using a rolling pin, roll the pieces of butter into the flour until each piece looks like a long scrap of paper. Refrigerate this for 10-20 minutes. 

Scale your milk and buttermilk just before you're ready to use it. Make a well in  the middle of the flour butter mixture. Pour all of the milk and butter milk directly into the well and using a spatula, gentle toss and fold the flour around so it all is lightly moistened. 

Turn out your dough on to a lightly floured surface. Your dough should be very crumbly and look "too dry" at this point. "Dough" not worry thought! (sorry for the lame pun, I couldn't resist!) 
Press your crumbly dough together to make it somewhat round.
Take the top half of this and fold it on top of the other half and press it down, GENTLY! Rotate the dough 90 degrees and repeat this process 3 more times for a total of 4 folds. This will help your dough have layers of buttery goodness.  Form the dough into a round again, and wrap in plastic wrap. 
Refrigerate for 1 hour, up to 3 days or 2 weeks frozen. 

For the Apple Filling

7-8 ea -- Granny Smith Apples
1 TB -- Lemon Juice, fresh squeezed, please
1/4 -- cup Brown Sugar
1/4 cup -- Granulated Sugar
1 1/2 tsp -- Cinnamon
1/4 tsp -- Cloves
1/4 tsp -- Nutmeg, freshly grated
1/4 tsp -- Salt
2 1/2 TB -- Unsalted Butter
1 TB + 1 tsp -- Corn Starch


Apple Corer
Cutting Board
Small Sauce Pan
Heat Proof Spatula


Core, peel, and slice the apples, immediately toss them in the lemon juice. These will keep them from turning that gross brown color. Toss the apples in the sugar and spices. Keep the corn starch and butter for later. 
Refrigerate these for 30 minutes

apples have been tossed in the sugar mixture and are ready to be refrigerated. 

Remove from frige and strain the apples and keep the juice. Set aside the apple pieces. Put the juice into the sauce pan with the butter and corn starch. Melt the butter and cook this mix over medium heat for 1-2 minutes  while stirring, until it starts to reduce a little bit.

This is what the liquid should look like.

Remove from heat and pour it over the apple slices, toss until coated. 
Refrigerate until ready to fill the pie

For the Crumble

1/2 cup -- Flour
1/2 cup -- Brown Sugar
1 tsp -- Cinnamon
5 TB -- Unsalted Butter


Dough cutter 


Mix together the flour, sugar and cinnamon. Cube the butter and cut it into the flour mix. Set aside until you're ready to assemble the pie. 

Pie Crumble, Cut and ready for baking

Assembling the Pie

Preheat the oven to 375F

Take the pie dough out of the refrigerator and let it sit for 5 minutes. Turn out on to a lightly floured surface. Using a rolling pin, roll out your dough to 1/4" - 1/2" thick. Rotate your dough while rolling to keep it from sticking. 
Gently lift up the pie dough, use your bench scraper if its stuck. Lay it across the top of a greased, glass pie pan. Do not stretch the dough, but gently form it to the shape of the pan. Trim the edges using a pairing knife. Pinch the edges for decoration or use a pie crust former. Dock the bottom and sides of the crust. 

Pie dough, ready for rolling!

(If you have extra pie dough scrapes, lay the pieces one on top of the other and roll out to 1/2" thick. Use a knife or pizza cutter to cut the dough into stripes. Brush with egg wash, coat with cinnamon sugar, and bake until golden brown for a tasty treat <3)

Pie dough strips. 

Take the apple filling out of the fridge, remix it so the apples are coated again. Now, for the filling of the pie their are two methods, both work well. 
1. Gently pour the apples into the pie crust and even them out.  This creates a slightly domed and homestyle effect. 
2. Take apples out of the bowl by the handful and arrange them so they are all laying flat. This creates more of a layering effect. 

Toss your crumble just before putting it on top so it isn't compacted. Coat the top of the pie with crumble, do not press it down. Brush the edges of the pie crust with egg or milk if you'd like a glazed look. 

Just popped it into the oven! 

Cover the pie with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes. 

This is what mine looked like after 30 minutes

After 30 minutes, remove the foil and let it bake for another 15-25 minutes, until the a knife or tooth pick test reveals the apples to be tender but not mushy. 

Let the pie cool on a cooling rack or a window sil for 3 hours. 

Serve with ice cream, whip cream or just as is!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Pretzel Sweet Hearts

Today I made Pretzel Sweet Hearts!

These are tasty little bites that have dark chocolate, pretzels and peanut butter!  I thought of the idea after making our EarthQuake Barz that have layers of chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter and chocolate. The name is for the shape of mini pretzels as they look very much like hearts to me, also that peanut butter and chocolate are the long time "sweet hearts" of the salty pretzel! 
This recipe makes 25-30 Pretzel Sweet Hearts. I suggest making these for your own Sweetheart, Sunday football games, children's birthdays, or really any event! They're pop-able, easy to eat treats!
It's 6 layers of chumminess-yumminess and very easy to make at home.  
(sorry for the low quality photos, cell phones are only so capable.)

 Here's what you'll need:

12-16oz lb Dark Chocolate, Melted (semisweet morsels will work too but I prefer a fine Swiss chocolate)
2-3 cups Mini Pretzels - lightly crushed or chopped.
20-30 whole mini pretzels
1x recipe of peanut butter filling (see below)
1/2 sheet parchment paper 
1/2 baking sheet
1 offset spatula 
1 Ice cream scooper
1 chef's knife or pairing knife

Peanut Butter Filling

1 1/2 cups Peanut Butter (I used crunchy but smooth works well too)
1/2 cup Butter, unsalted, softened
3-4 cups 10X confectioners sugar
2 tsp vanilla
Pinch of salt

Using a mixer beat together ingredients in order written. 
Filling should not be sticky to the touch and thick like cookie dough.

To Assemble: 
1 - Dark Chocolate
2 - Crushed Pretzels
3 - Peanut Butter Filling
4 - Crushed Pretzels 
5 - Dark Chocolate
6 - Whole Pretzels

Layout your piece of parchment on the baking sheet on a clean table top. Spread half of the chocolate on the parchment almost to the edge, making sure to keep it in the shape of a rectangle for easy and equal portioning. 
While chocolate is still "wet" place a generous layer of crushed pretzels. Make sure each pretzel is at least half way in the chocolate so that they will remain stuck to the chocolate. Let the chocolate set. (about 5-10 minutes. To speed up the process, place chocolate in the refrigerator. Be careful not to let it set too long!)

Once chocolate is set, use the ice cream scooper to scoop the peanut butter evenly on the chocolate. Take some extra powdered sugar on your hands to keep from sticking to the peanut butter and flatten it out to create an even layer on top of the chocolate. Using the remaining crushed pretzels, sprinkle them evenly on the peanut butter fill and press the pieces in just slightly so they will not come loose. 

This is 4 of the 6 layers involved. It's the chocolate layer on the bottom, crushed pretzels, peanut butter filling and then the next layer of pretzel pieces pressed into the peanut butter filling. 

Use the rest of your melted chocolate spread it evenly across the top of the peanut butter/pretzel filling later. Before the chocolate sets, place the whole pretzel pieces in a organized manner "like little soldiers."  The layer should fit about 30 whole pretzels on top. Each one of these pretzels represents one Pretzel Sweetheart. 

Before the chocolate sets, score (cut about 1/4 inch down) the top so the chocolate will not crack incorrectly once set. Once the chocolate sets fully, you can completely cut out each little square. These should be stored on a covered sheet tray or in an airtight container in the refrigerator. 

Until next time,

Saturday, June 23, 2012


My name is Dorema Kutner. My husband and I own the new little bakery in Longwood FL.  My husband and I met in culinary school and were married not long after my graduation. After sometime of  working in other culinary establishments we came upon Upper Crust Desserts. At the time the bakery was not being used to it full potential needed to have real chefs to care for it. We jumped at the chance!

Dorema and Jeffrey Kutner 
Just bought the bakery and can't wait to get started!

After a few months of small orders and testing recipes we opened our doors to the public and said "WELCOME ALL!" We are now in our second month of business and are doing well. The bakery case is full of delicious items, made from scratch daily and is selling out quick!

Asian Sensations
Soft Shortbread Cookies with Crystalized Ginger and Goji Berries

As the baker, I have decided to put my skills towards the classic recipes, handed down from my grandmother in order to make the world a sweeter place! I make cake, pies, tarts, cookies, quick breads, yeast breads and much more.

Cosmic Cupcakes
Flourless Chocolate Cupcakes with rainbow swirled French Vanilla Butter Cream

I'm not sure how I ended up here with such a great opportunity but I very happy to have it. So if you give me a shot, I'll show you that this really is the little bakery that could.

Happy Baking!

-Dorema Kutner
Owner and Cheff of Upper Crust Desserts