Saturday, January 26, 2013

Starting 2013

What a year! 2012, as I predicted, held great things and many changes for my life. From becoming the co-owner of Upper Crust Desserts, with my absolutely awesome and incredible (definitely the better half), husband Jeff, to the amazing people that have shown such compassion and support for not only the bakery, but us as well.

I'm so excited to see what 2013 has in store for Upper Crust Desserts! We are going to be finding the best ingredients to make the best tasting, best for you, dessert.  Hmmm... anyone apposed to a little cayenne dark chocolate cookie?  Orange and clove spice? Maybe...

I also want to thank everyone who was so supportive of me after my accident. I really appreciate it more than words can describe.  I can't wait to get back to bakery and get to work! 

(For those who don't know...I tripped, fell down the stairs, and suffered a concussion. Not too serious, no internal bleeding or extreme swelling, but enough to put me out for a week)

Anyway, next week, we will do our best to be back on schedule!  Featuring Cookie Madness Tuesday, Gluten-Free Friday, and the Lake Mary Farmer's Market Saturday morning! See you all soon! 

P.S. I love this style of cake. 

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